NHO Revive is conducting clinical trials for multiple myeloma and investigating potential treatments to improve patient’s well-being.
Multiple Myeloma Clinical Trials in Nebraska
Understanding Multiple Myeloma and Its Complication
Potential treatment for Multiple Myeloma
Multiple myeloma is a type of blood cancer that originates in plasma cells, a type of white blood cell found in the bone marrow. These cancerous plasma cells can accumulate and form tumors in various bones of the body, such as the spine, skull, pelvis, and ribs. The disease can spread quickly and lead to complicated multiple myeloma symptoms like bone pain, fractures, anemia, and kidney dysfunction.
NHO Revive is conducting multiple myeloma clinical trials to evaluate the efficacy of an investigational drug by comparing it to existing treatments for multiple myeloma. This research aims to determine the drug’s effectiveness and safety, potentially offering improved treatment options for patients suffering from this type of cancer
You might be eligible for Multiple Myeloma Clinical Trials
- 18 Years and Older
- Male and Female
- Confirmed diagnosis of multiple myeloma
- Total Studies: 01
*Participation in our clinical study is voluntary, and it’s important to consult with your healthcare provider before making any decisions related to your treatment or care.
* Participation in the clinical trials causes no expenses for you or your private medical insurance. You’ll receive compensation for your time and travel.
Exploring and Learning Multiple Myeloma
Being diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma can be challenging, evoking feelings of uncertainty and apprehension. Yet, you’re not alone on this cancer journey. NHO Revive is actively pursuing potential treatment for Multiple Myeloma. Moreover, multiple myeloma clinical trials in Nebraska offer access to innovative and contribute to modern treatment options.
At NHO Revive Multiple Myeloma Clinical Trials, we are evaluating the development of effective treatments for this type of cancer. Half of the study participants will be given the novel study drug, while the remaining half will receive a combination therapy recommended by the study doctor. The study drug will be administered weekly under the skin at the clinic to test its efficacy in battling cancer.
What to Expect
If you volunteer for NHO Revive Multiple Myeloma Clinical Trials by completing the form above, our study team will reach out to assess your eligibility. They’ll review the study specifics with you to check if you meet the criteria for participation.
If you qualify, you’ll be invited to the study site for screening, located within a 50-mile radius of where you are now. The doctors will discuss the trial’s duration and its impact on your cancer treatment. Once everything is explained, participants will be asked to sign an informed consent form. Make sure to go through everything with your provider. We value transparency between our participants and investigators
*You’ll receive study-related care at no cost, including comprehensive physical exams and evaluations conducted by skilled physicians.
18 Year and Older
Male and Female

Multiple Myeloma Complication
Multiple myeloma can result in complications affecting bones, immunity, and organ function. These include bone pain and fractures, anemia causing fatigue, kidney issues leading to fluid retention, and increased infection risk due to weakened immunity. Abnormal protein production can also cause issues like hyperviscosity syndrome or kidney damage. Managing these complications is crucial in multiple myeloma treatment and helping multiple myeloma clinical trials to improve individual’s well being.
Frequently Asked Questions
Interested in learning more about our research? Explore our frequently asked questions to gain knowledge about this condition.
What are the first steps after a Multiple Myeloma diagnosis?
It’s crucial to connect with a hematologist (blood cancer specialist) who will discuss treatment options based on your specific case. Early diagnosis allows for creating a personalized treatment plan. Furthermore, your provider can connect you with multiple myeloma clinical trials.
How can I live well with Multiple Myeloma?
Multiple Myeloma management often involves a combination of medication and healthy lifestyle choices. Working with your healthcare team is key to managing multiple myeloma symptoms, maintaining strength, and potentially participating in clinical trials that might offer new possibilities.
Are Multiple Myeloma Clinical Trials safe?
Patient safety is paramount in clinical trials. Before enrolling, you’ll receive a detailed informed consent document outlining all potential risks and benefits specific to the trial. You can discuss any concerns with your doctor to assess if a trial is right for you.
What is the difference between a clinical trial and standard treatment?
Standard treatment uses established methods with proven effectiveness. Oncology Clinical trials evaluate the safety and efficacy of probable novel therapies not yet widely available. Participation allows access to these advancements while contributing valuable data to medical research.